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Supreme 30 Stem Bouquet


The best bouquet we offer, a huge 30 stem, 50cm elegant mix with plenty of amazing focal flowers along with complementary accent flowers and greens.

If you want to be lovely, buy a box of 8 and share some Esperanza with your dear ones, family, friends, coworkers, clients, donors, teachers, FUNDRAISERS!!

Your flowers are grown in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador and shipped directly from the farm to your address in the US.

Our flowers arrive fresh and last for weeks!!

Available in a variety of color combinations and quantities.

Prices include freight and delivery to ONE address in the United States. 

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30 stems

Additional information


farm choice, green/white, orange/yellow, pink/purple, yellow


1 for $75, 2 for $120, 8 for $280 ($35 x BQT)


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